Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well....waiting to hear from Del.ici.iuos or however you spell it on why my sign in failed. They will be e-mailing the answer to my other computer  - unavailable as my husband is doing free lance graphic work. I know this is the continual whine of late blooming techies but honestly! Sometimes it is an infuriating world.
So, I fast forwarded to Technorati site which to me is attractive in concept but dismal in design. Way too cluttered and pop culturish.  The blog statistics are really unbelievable so I appreciate that there's a way to find and be found but I've heard it said......... the people who are code monkeys are not graphic designers. This kind of layout is a bother to wade through and very unappealing. Anyway, I did peek in to some conservative scary rants, some creepy college frat type info on bar types and some other random stuff. 
I will return here in January though to register my new blog because, hey, I'm looking for wide exposure now too!

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